If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes I wouldn’t believe it. The Church of God in Christ has become the pro-life movement’s greatest new ally.
It was like something out of a dream. On July 7th of 2016, I was sitting in the presence of some of the leaders of the largest Black denomination in the world, and here’s why that’s significant. The Church of God in Christ (C.O.G.I.C.), to my knowledge, has never before been willing to take a stand for pro-life issues, in any real and visible way.
I totally understand this unwillingness, because as a protestant minister myself, and after seeing the inner-workings of ministry as a church staffer for ten years, I get it that the risks involved in a pastor preaching about abortion from the pulpit are significant. It’s tough work, and is the kind of work that can really divide a congregation, to the pastor’s hurt.
But as I arose and shared the message of Protecting Black Life, and our mission to educate the black community about how Planned Parenthood is targeting blacks and minorities with the abortion agenda; it became apparent to me that in all my days I would not have predicted that I would be standing in front of the Church of God in Christ’s leadership and articulating this very delicate conversation.
For me, this represents the real possibility that abortion in America could be eliminated…in a short amount of time, from the inside out. I spoke to my listeners about how when the church gets involved at the pregnancy centers, where so many young men who are in a very trying time in their lives, the unplanned pregnancy situation, who simply need a mentor in their lives to help make a life-giving choice; the church is able to come alongside and help these young men to become great men. That’s the next vital step for the pro-life movement…and now for the Church.
This is phenomenal! I’m beside myself with joy! This could be the event that causes everything that Life Issues Institute and Protecting Black Life have been working toward, to become reality. My friend thank you so much for your continued support. Thank you for your prayers. And thank you, Church of God in Christ, for making this hope more possible.
I indeed survived an abortion but with the help of you and the C.O.G.I.C., abortion will not survive me.
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