Any kind of change can be scary, but it can be especially terrifying if you’re not expecting it.
Join pro-life advocate, Henry Flowers IV as he discusses the importance of a man’s reaction to hearing those two – oftentimes, surprising – words…
I’m pregnant.
According to Henry, who found himself in a similar situation, he made a commitment to himself and his bride. “I was going to be there. I was going to do my best to be there for my wife, and for the children that followed.”
It’s crucial that, at this time, the man step up, both saying and doing the right thing. Not only will this ultimately impact the couple’s relationship, but it could easily influence the health and development of the child involved. Let’s face it, not everyone’s pregnancy is planned. But it’s critical that men lend their support to the mothers of their unborn babies.
If you’re unsure of your next steps, just reach out to Life Issues Institute or Protecting Black Life by clicking HERE ( and we’ll be happy to help guide you to available resources.
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