National Camera Day: LEGO Womb

camera dayA few weeks ago, LEGO announced the release of a new children’s toy that would feature an ultrasound of a baby LEGO!

In the image, you can see an infant LEGO smiling at the camera with its respective size and due date estimated on the side. Clearly, this LEGO baby has some proud LEGO parents showcasing his or her picture to the world and, let’s not forget, some excited kids anticipating the LEGO baby’s arrival!

Former president of Life Issues Institute, Dr. Jack Willke stated that, “If wombs had windows, there’d be no abortion.” However, with today’s technology, women may not be getting windows but they’re getting the next best thing—ultrasounds.

According to research from the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates, 78% of women who considered themselves abortion-minded or abortion vulnerable chose life after seeing their babies via an ultrasound.

Sadly, a recent release from the Guttmacher Institute shows that there’s only 3 states that actually require that a woman be shown her ultrasound before having an abortion. Meanwhile, 10 states mandate that an abortionist must perform an ultrasound and ask the expecting mother if she’d like to see the picture of the baby.

Considering that over 2,000 babies die every day due to abortion—it’s staggering to realize how much pull one image can have in simply saving the life of a fellow human being.

So what does this have to do with National Camera Day?


It reminds us that in the fight to end abortion, every image is important—especially those that show expecting mothers that there is, indeed, an innocent child inside their wombs.


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